We have recently started to try and learn how to speak Spanish as a family. Together we came up with 5 ideas to help us along in the journey. They are all very simple, but I can already tell they are making a huge impact on this learning experience :)
1. Change you phone settings to Español.
#2 Label everything in sight! My younger children are not old enough for the Rosetta Stone program, so I've been looking for ways to get them involved. We labeled everything from las ventanas (the windows) to the la nevera (the refrigerator), and had a lot of fun doing so.
#3 Watch children shows on television en Español. This seems to help because they often review colors, numbers and just easier vocabulary. I have Plaza Sesamo (Sesame Street) on my DVR.
#4 Listen to music en Español. Sirius has a lot of great stations to choose from.
#5 Search Pinterest.com! Just type in "Learn Spanish" and a ton of reference pictures come up and helpful websites.
I have screen shot many of these on my phone to keep as a handy references :)