Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to Make Sidewalk Chalk Paint Water Balloons

My father in law and I were talking about painting with water balloons, and I immediately thought about how fun that would be to do with the kids. The only down part is it would be super messy, and hard to clean up. For my youngest daughter's birthday I bought her a sidewalk chalk painting kit with rollers and everything. As I was pondering the, "Painting with water balloons" idea, I thought back to that kit and aha an idea was born! Sidewalk chalk painting with water balloons!

How I made the paint is really easy. All you do is mix water and cornstarch in equal parts, add a couple drops of food coloring and stir. Note: For painting on the sidewalk you would want a thicker consistency so mix 1 part water to 3 parts cornstarch. Since I'm using water balloons, I wanted it to be more liquidy. 

Now how did I get the paint in the water balloons? Also easy :) I used a water bottle.
Just fill it with about 1 cup paint.

Put on the cap, and place on balloon.

Squeeze the bottle enough to get every drop of paint into the balloon.

And here they are :) You can kind of see the mixture separating in the balloon as they sit, so give them a little shake before you toss.

We had so much fun with this idea, here a video of how it went. 

1 comment:

  1. Painting with water balloons" idea, I thought back to that kit and aha an idea was born! Sidewalk chalk painting with water balloons! my site
