Monday, October 13, 2014

Our 'Out of Africa' Experience

Inspiration is what we sought out, and inspiration is what we found!  We spent the day at the wildlife park, "Out of Africa".  Now I have ideas filled with animal print, porcupine quills and desert landscape swirling around in my head.  Here are the pics from our trip today :) Enjoy!
Part of The Charmed Farm gang, ready to explore!

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The giraffe's head came right into the bus, and licked me when I gave him a cookie lol

These 2 are sisters.

A mama zebra and her baby. 

This giraffe is hiding from us in the tree lol it really thinks we can't see him :)

The cutest grizzly bear cub I've ever seen :) It was just jumping and bouncing all over the place.

The hyenas were helping groom each other.

Yep, that is an anaconda slithering freely on the ground!

Snack time :)

and we only believe in healthy snacks :)

Free gift to the first person who can tell me if this is an alligator or crocodile, and why they think so :)


This guy poses for pictures lol

So does this one :)


That snake is huge!

He wouldn't stick his head in the observatory dome.

Are you serious?!?

Lemurs! I like to move it, move it:)

Fat little prairie dogs.

Tiger Splash

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