Tuesday, September 8, 2015

EOS Handsoap

My oldest daughter is so smart and crafty :) She figured out how to combine two of my favorite things, EOS Lip balm and soap! She made an EOS portable hand soap. The EOS container makes carrying your handsoap around really convienent, and you don't have to worry about spills :)
First she cleaned her EOS container thoroughly, and boiled it for a couple minutes to get rid of all lip balm residue.
Next she cut up pieces of melt and pour soap, and heated it in the microwave using 15 second intervals. 

Once completely melted she added color, and stirred. This is also where you would want to add scents if desired.

She sticks the grate of the EOS container into the lid, and pours the melted soap to the top. 

After being placed in the freezer for 20 minutes, this is what it looks like. nice and solid.

She popped the bottom on to the lid and...

Wa La, EOS Handsoap! It's so pretty :)

Way to go Lex! Awesome project 👍

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